Nuestro Enfoque
NASH kNOWledge hace hincapié en la difusión educativa, la facilitación de grupos de apoyo, la defensa y el suministro de recursos. Este enfoque busca aumentar la concienciación sobre la Enfermedad del Hígado Graso, brindar apoyo a los afectados, influir en las políticas de salud y guiar a las personas hacia un manejo eficaz de la enfermedad y estilos de vida más saludables.
Divulgación Educativa
NASH kNOWledge se centra en difundir información y educar al público sobre la Enfermedad del Hígado Graso, sus riesgos, prevención y estrategias de manejo.
Facilitación de Grupos de Apoyo
La organización ofrece una plataforma para que las personas afectadas por la Enfermedad del Hígado Graso se conecten, compartan experiencias y reciban apoyo emocional e informativo a través de grupos de apoyo.
Defensa y Concienciación
NASH kNOWledge participa activamente en trabajos de defensa, con el objetivo de aumentar la visibilidad de la enfermedad, influir en las políticas de salud y fomentar más investigación y financiación.
Suministro de Recursos
Ofrecemos una variedad de recursos, como materiales informativos, orientación sobre nutrición y cambios en el estilo de vida, y conexiones con profesionales de la salud especializados en el tratamiento y manejo de la Enfermedad del Hígado Graso.

Time Article on Fatty Liver
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Newsweek Article
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Cure Today
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Chicago Tribune Article on Organ Donation
Click Here for More

Medical News Today Article on Cirrhosis
Click Here for More

Healthy Way Article on Signs of Liver Damage
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Science Daily Article on Diabetes Medicine & Liver Fat
Click Here for More

New York Times: The Liver: Blob That Runs the Body
Click Here for More

Knowable Magazine Article on Fatty Liver
Click Here for More
An excellent website by Intercept Pharmaceuticals which has great information about the liver disease NASH.
An excellent website by Madrigal Pharmaceuticals with information about NAFLD and NASH.
A site for the United Network for Organ Sharing. This organization controls the use of donated livers.
A site for the Center for Organ Recovery and Education. CORE is one of 58 federally designated not-for-profit procurement organizations in the country. It covers the Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Chemung County (NY) areas.
Donate Life America is a non-profit organization leading its national partners and Donate Life State Teams to increase the number of donated organs, eyes and tissue available to save and heal lives through transplantation while developing a culture where donation is embraced as a fundamental human responsibility.
This site contains lots of information and resources for those interested in liver disease.
The NASH Education Program is an international endowment fund created at the end of 2016 in order to address unmet needs related to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and to increase awareness about this widespread and serious yet poorly understood disease. It is a transversal and non-partisan initiative involving an increasing number of key stakeholders.
A great website created by an individual who had NASH and cirrhosis and was able to reverse it. The website contains a fountain of information about fatty liver disease and includes lots of resources.
An excellent website for information about liver disease. A leader in the dissemination of information and bringing parties with common goals together.
This website encourages the interactive positive exchange of thoughts and ideas for those concerned with, or have experienced, liver disease. A great community for asking questions and receiving input.
Great site run by the son of someone who lost their life from NASH.
An excellent website for cancer patients created by one of Pittsburgh’s leading oncologist (and someone who treated my cancer).